Or, Sweeping Back the Tide
Section Heading 1
- nuclear catastrophe analogy
- We have the capacity to do great harm our environment. Since the dawn of the nuclear age, our capabilities of destruction have outstripped earths capacity to regenerate. I will therefore not be making the argument that we can do no harm to our environment--yet, most significantly, I call the environment 'our environment.' I believe that the specific purpose of creation is to be a resource for mankind and not visa versa. If I am wrong in this, then certainly we should end humanity immediately and let the earth return to some "natural" state (heading toward the heat death of the universe no doubt). But I am not wrong.
- Considering this--that creation is a resource for man--any discussion of environmental science and policy, being nessisarily grounded in cost/benefit analyses, will take on an economic tone, net economic benefit or harm being the best quantitative measurement of human wellbeing. Since creation is a resource for man, the alarming claims regarding harm to humans made by global warming proponents need actual investigation.
- On the other hand, if a "natural" environmental state is the goal of such alarming claims then no investigation is needed; just believe the alarm and amend your ways. As the 1991 Club of Rome Report states: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones
- "No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral environmental benefits…. climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world." [Calgary Herald, December 14, 1998]. (See: http://www.appinsys.com/globalwarming/GW_History.htm)
- http://www.appinsys.com/GlobalWarming/gw_about.htm
- Whatever the motives behind the popularization of global warming, there are scientific issues to be investagated
- sweeping back the tide theme
- The key question: what should we do?
- What we agree on
- observations
- Lindzen.ppt
- temperature rise (period)
- CO2
- result of clean, environmentally friendly burning (after all other contaminants have been removed)
- rise (period)
- no change in ratio between atmospheric concentration of CO2 and oceanic and terrestrial concentrations of CO2
- methane rise and stall
- sea level rise (period)
- What we disagree on
- some observations
- interpretations of observations
- Lindzen.ppt
- "hockeystick" graph
- proxy data
- land based temperature records
- effect of volcanic activity
- medevil warm period
- the models
- models fail to account for a variety of data
- http://www.co2science.org/
- What the debate is over (runaway, catastrophic warming)
- temperature and CO2 related effects
- heat deaths
- drought
- sea level rise
- hurricanes
- Science must trump authority
- the "consensus" response vs. the real consensus on observation
- why climategate is important
- positive vs. negative feedback
- Dr. Richard Lindzen's empirical work
- lindzen_neg_feedbacks.pdf
- Lindzen.ppt
- models vs. reality
- 23_IRIS.pdf
- 222_Exchange.pdf
- L_R-Exchange.pdf
- 230_TakingGr.pdf
- WE%20Riposte%20to%20Critique.pdf
- long tem cycles in climate
- unstopable global warming every 1,500 years
- sweeping back the tide theme
- making the attribution claim in the face of greater forcings (30 year pause in warming)
- if bigger effects exist, how can you attribute a warming to humans while a cooling to natural cycles that can overpower human activity?
- policies
- the UN's IPCC vs. the Heartland's ICCC
- CO2 is a product of clean burning
- importance of cost/benefit analysises
- mitigation
- reduce CO2 in atmosphere
- reduce temperature
- increase land levels
- alternative energy (solar, wind, tidal, ...)
- cost/benefit (ultimate global warming challenge)
- adaptation
- regional vs. global
- short vs. long timescale
- cost/benefit analysis
- Lindzen.ppt
- sweeping back the tide theme
- humanitarianism vs. environmentalism
- people vs. the environment
- more pressing humanitarian objectives (clean water, clean energy, ...)
- global warming religion
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and hence clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary" --Henry Louis Mencken
Watch Lindzen deconstruct global warming alarm:
Proceedings from the third International Conference on Climate Change are now available
Take a look at the proceedings from third International Conference on Climate Change. There are some fantastic presentations and they are all available for free for download in .mp3 and .flv (video) format. Many presentations include slides in .ppt format. Don't forget to take a look at the proceedings from the second ICCC conference also.
"“People often ask about the costs,” said Kevin Parker, the global head of Deutsche Bank Asset Management, who tracks climate policy for the bank. “But the figures people tend to cite don’t take into account conservation and efficiency measures that are easily available. And they don’t look at the cost of inaction, which is the extinction of the human race. Period.”"
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