
Citations the smart way

Page history last edited by Justin Spratt 13 years, 4 months ago

With the advent of the incorporation of powerful citation tools into consumer office products, citing sources has become much less time consuming.


In order to make citing sources as painless as possible, I use Google Scholar (Stand on the shoulders of giants).  Even if you have already found sources through an alternate (i.e., inferior) search engine, you can use Scholar to find your article again so that you can take advantage of the instructions below.


First, enter the Scholar Preferences:


Second, use the Scholar Preferences to insert a BibTeX citation link in your search results:




Next, use Scholar to find your article and click the "Import into BibTex" link: 




Finally, extract (copy and paste) the details required for citing your source and paste them into your citation tool (such as Microsoft Word): 




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