

Page history last edited by Justin Spratt 11 years, 4 months ago

The Homepage of J. G. Spratt



"Rise above."




About the author

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Book Reviews

America Alone

Deepening the Colors on One Page: A book that should have remained an article

Economics of Honour

Responsible Public Address




The future is bright.

The end of copyright






Economics and Government

A Review of the Canadian Healthcare System

A Review of Global Warming: The Science and Resulting Policies

Building the economy: A child's textbook

Economic Fallacies Left Right and Center

Foreign Oil

Influential People

Loss Due to Force in the Economy

The morons running the US

Those crazy climate skeptics





Bible Readings

Common mistakes in the classroom

Courses from The Teaching Company

Educational People and Resources

Grammar rules: A disorganized list

Great sentence structures




Crazy sharks

Hacking yourself

How to fix your computer







Philosophy of Technology

Misunderstanding Information: Why the Internet Shouldn't Be Considered a Source




Conversion resources (length, mass, currency, HEX/RGB/HueSatLum)

Conventions Justin uses in email

Time and date reference



CMSC-231 Term Project

CMSC-245: System and Network Administration

CMSC-305: Operating Systems

CMSC-308: Programming Language Concepts

CMSC-311: Assembly and Computer Architecture

CMSC-320: Decision Support Systems

CORE-120: English Composition

CORE-150: Biblical Foundations

CORE-200: Introduction to Christian Philosophy

CORE-399: Calling, Task, and, Culture

ENGL-305: Business and Technical Writing

H1N1 Vaccine: A total lack of information

How to pwn at exams

Packing List



Spratt Digital

Blanks and Standards

Infrastructure for Computing Science (CMSC-099)




Advanced Pidgin Configuration

AutoHotkey (AHK) Scripts

Backing up the smart way

Bad programming (a list of what-not-to-dos)

Beat the trolls

Computing the smart way: A starting point

Collaborating on documents the smart way

Citations the smart way

Digital resolution

File hierarchy standards

Forwarding Ports


Getting Started with IRC

Hash Cactus

Home networking the smart way

How to ask for a webpage change

How to buy a good computer

How to check your internet speed

How to get rid of computer viruses

How to stay virus free on your computer

HSL: Human-Readable Scripting Language

I am about to fix your computer; please prepare it for me

I fixed your computer; here are some instructions

Keep Others out of Your Computer

Let Me into Your Computer

Media control the smart way

MySQL reference

Organizing your digital life


Physical Security Defeated: The story of a madman and a micrometer

Principles of UI

Programming Environments (my SciTE files)

Security is a weakest link problem

Sharing Files

Signing up for PBWorks

Stop having wrong email addresses

Switching to Gmail

Tailorization of Computer Use

Technology in waiting

The difference between the web and the internet

The Importance of Testing

The Linux Pages

Trust no one 

Unsubstantiated security claims

Using TrueCrypt


What best practices are

What computer science is

Why your computer is slow and how to speed it up

Windows Tweaks

Winter (snow) Tires




Flashlights: The ultimate weapon

Knife sharpening and care

Tactical storage vessels

What are tactics?




Date formats

Evolution: Its Biological Meaning

Favourite Quotations

Inability to Communicate: The end of debate

On population growth



The Trick




East Cost (Spring Break 2010)



Undrone: An education in reality






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