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How to stay virus free on your computer

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Saved by Justin Spratt
on June 20, 2010 at 2:42:51 am


You've had a few viruses over the years, ran a few different anti-virus programs now and then, but nothing really bad (like losing everything) has happened yet, so why should you strive to be virus free? 


First, something really bad will happen eventually and it would be nice to have those kind of things happen very rarely.  Second, when you run a computer that has viruses your computer is most likely under the control of someone else who wants to use your hardware and internet connection to damage other peoples reputation/internet connection/business/etc. and spread more viruses and send spam email.  Third, you harm the Internet's infrastructure (as well as your LAN's infrastructure) by wasting bandwidth and infecting servers running internet services.


I believe that people have as much of a moral obligation to keep their systems clean as countries have to root out terrorists: even if they don't harm you that much they can devastate other people.  If I've convinced you, read on.


There are several things you can do to stay virus free on your computer, and all the solutions mentioned here are free as in free beer.  One final note: do NOT use any extra antivirus tools not mentioned here.  This includes AVG or any other free or expensive antivirus programs.  They will only give you a false sense of security.



Browsing the Smart Way

The main vector for receiving viruses is using a web browser to browse an infected website (for proof see here).


  1. Use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer (proof that Internet Explorer is a major vector).  Watch some videos and read the following articles:
    1. Firefox browsing basics
    2. For Internet Explorer Users
    3. Importing favorites and other data from Internet Explorer 
  2. Use several add-ons with Firefox:
    1. Adblock Plus (after you restart Firefox, use the "Easy List" that the pop-up presents)  Watch an intro video
    2. NoScript - Watch the CNet intro video.
    3. Web of Trust - Watch an intro video.  You will need to register for an account.
  3. Keep your Firefox plugins up-to-date
  4. Use PeerGuardian 2 (during setup choose "Ads" and "Spyware")
  5. Use Open DNS (XP instructions, general instructions)
    1. Use Open DNS to block certain websites



Program Management

Malicious code seems to end up on everyone's computer after a while, sometimes in the form of an executable file that is just waiting for you to double click it.  Follow these steps to avoid running bad code:


  1. Use ClamWin Antivirus to scan through your memory and file systems once a month.  Watch an intro video.
  2. Use VirusTotal or the VirusTotal Uploader to scan anything you are of which you are suspicious.  Watch an intro video.
  3. Run as a limited user and use the "Run As" command to run anything you trust that requires more power, or if you can't bear that, run as an administrator and use the "Run As" command to run suspicious things as a limited user.
  4. Run Drop My Rights.



File Management

In order to keep your installation of Windows "nimble" (i.e., the installation can be overwritten with very little damage), follow these steps (they will make the "Re-install Windows often" section much easier):


  1. Keep your documents off your C:\ drive (only use the C:\ drive for Windows, programs, and temporary files)
  2. Redirect your home directory (think "My Documents") (how-to within an Active Directory domain) to somewhere off your C:\ drive (I recommend a network drive).
  3. Move your Firefox profile off your C:\ drive.
  4. Show file extensions.



Re-install Windows Often

Re-installing Windows often is an excellent preventative measure against a buildup of malware.  Today, malware like to simply hide from their hosts' users, and it is very easy to be running malware (especially rootkits) and not even know it.  Anyone who has installed a program should be able to follow these instructions.  Do this at least once a year.  See the "The Re-install Method" section on How to get rid of computer viruses.



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