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Let Me into Your Computer

Page history last edited by Justin Spratt 13 years, 2 months ago

Often, it is not possible, or perhaps simply not efficient, for me to give technical support over the phone of through IRC.  In such cases I recommend the use of remote desktop software.  You have two options (and I recommend number 1).


Option 1 (Very simple)

  1. Log on to an administrator account and go to https://secure.logmein.com/ (Log in with the credentials provided by me.  You may have to ask for these by email.):


     3. Click "Add Computer":



     3. Download and run the installer:


4. Install the program:


     5. You may need to provide the credentials I provided to you to the program after it is finished installing.  After it is working, you should see a new icon in your system tray (next to your clock):


     6. Change the computer so that it does not require the local user to accept the connection of the remote user:



     7. Let me know the Windows username and password of the administrator account you used to install LogMeIn when you are done.


Option 2 (very complicated)

EchoVNC is a free (as in free beer and as in free speech) remote desktop software package.  The following instructions will help you let me "take over" (see your monitor and control your keyboard and mouse) your computer temporarily over the internet.  Note that you will have to have a working internet connection to begin with.  Some instructions below use HSL.  Please use a strong password.


  1. Download EchoVNC and save the file to your desktop (use the "all files" page instead if you have an OSX or Linux machine)
  2. Install EchoVNC
    1. EchoVNC-#.##-Setup.exe[open program]{PROGRAM}>
    2. OK{BUTTON}>Next {BUTTON}>
    3. I accept the agreement{RADIO BUTTON}>
    4. Next {BUTTON}>Next {BUTTON}>Next {BUTTON}>Next {BUTTON}>Next {BUTTON}>
    5. Register EchoVNC Server as a system service[check]{CHECK BOX}>
    6. Start or restart EchoVNC service[check]{CHECK BOX}>
    7. Next {BUTTON}>Install{BUTTON}>OK{BUTTON}
    8. Run Wizard{BUTTON}>
    9. Password:[<password>]{INPUT BOX}>Repeat Password:[<password>]{INPUT BOX}>
    10. No{BUTTON}>Exit{BUTTON}>Next{BUTTON}>
  3. The computer may prompt you to restart your computer.  If so, save your work and exit your other programs and then allow the setup to restart your computer:
    1. Yes, restart the computer now{RADIO BUTTON}>Finish{BUTTON}>
  4. After you reboot you will have a VNC server listening for connections on port 5900 on your computer.  Unfortunately, due to NAT routing, your job is not complete and I cannot control your computer.  You must forward port 5900 to the computer running the VNC server.
  5. When all these instructions are complete, email me your public IP address (click here to find it) the credentials I should use to login.


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